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Historical capital of the Municapality og Geropotamos


Melidoni has always been a village full of life, inhabited by people who share the same dreams, who are creative and love their homeland. Thanks to the wisdom of the elders and the determination of the young people, traditions have been carefully maintained and new activities were undertaken.

  People used to dress up even during the German Occupation. They organised public balls around the Royal well in the '60s and the '70s.

  In 1979 the Cultural Association of Melidoni was established, in the aim of improving the educational and cultural level of the villager and to promote the village.

Twenty years later, in the 21st century, the people of Melidoni are still focused on the original goals but also aim to strengthen relations among the residents of the village and pass the torch to the younger generations. So, every year the custom of "Stealing the bride", the balls, the Carnival of Rethymno, the Treasure Hunt, the marching of the Cretan flag and many other activities play an important part in the life of people in Melidoni.

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